Monday, December 28, 2009

My Furnace is Trying to Kill Me

I gave some good morning time - the kind where your brain is fresh and you feel alert - to reading the manual that comes with my top-of-the-line-from-Italy-don'tcha-know furnace today.  And I successfully programmed the time, and the day of the week.

Then it all went to hell when I tried to program the "comfort" and "economy" zones.  At one point I was whacking away at buttons like Homer Simpson trying to avert a nucular disaster. 

Since then nothing has worked.  Even good old reliable manual override seems to have crapped out on me.  And although I believe I have programmed the entire week, so that the furnace goes on at 6:30 a.m. and turns off at a certain time, and then does the same thing later in the day, automatically turning itself off at night when I expect to be snuggling into bed... well, all I know is the temperature now reads 16.7 celsius and it's falling.

And I didn't program that.

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